Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Raise Your Child Self-Esteem

  • Tell your child you love them at least once a day
  • Let your child know it's okay to make mistakes. Admit your own
  • Laugh at your child's jokes - even when you don't get them
  • Praise your child's efforts, without worrying about the results
  • Don't treat all of your children exactly alike. Each one has different needs
  • Don't let your child go to bed angry with you or thinking that you are angry with him
  • Let your child cry if he needs to. There's no need for him to take things like a grown-up. Remember, he's only a kid
  • Draw portraits of each other. Hang them in a special family art gallery.
  • Instead of asking your child how school was, try asking him to tell you three great things he did that day. You're sure to love the answers you receive.
  • Share a banana split and let your child pick the toppings :-)
  • Work together to build a really huge sand castle at the beach

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